Songs Of the Cattle Trail & Cow Camp

Complete Text & Lyrics by John A Lomax

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When You're Throwed
An' you cuss him an' you thump him
Till you get him by the ear,—
Then your right hand grabs the saddle
An' you ketch your stirrup, too,
An' you try to light a-straddle
Like a woolly buckaroo;
But he drops his head an' switches,
Then he makes a backward jump,
Out of reach your stirrup twitches
But your right spur grabs his hump.
An' " Stay with him! " shouts some feller;
Though you know it's hope forlorn,
Yet you'll show that you ain't yeller
An' you choke the saddle horn.
Then you feel one rein a-droppin'
An' you know he's got his head;
An' your shirt tail's out an' floppin';
An' the saddle pulls like lead.
Then the boys all yell together
Fit to make a feller sick :
"Hey, you short horn, drop the leather!
Fan his fat an' ride him slick! "
Seems you're up-side-down an' flyin';
Then your spurs begin to slip.
There's no further use in tryin',
For the horn flies from your grip,
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